Sunday, 24 January 2016

John chp 6: 1 – 15. (- 70 ) 4th Sign Feeding of 5,000

Talk by Pam Lilly

Today we are looking at John chp 6: 1 – 15. (- 70 ) John's 4th Sign Feeding of 5,000

Don't you just love the Gospels. Try reading them as books from start to finish. Lets get to know Jesus better.
Apart from death and resurrection of Jesus, Feeding of 5,000 is only miraculous sign that appears in all 4 Gospels. Here's where they are in:

Matt 14: 13 -21
Mark 6: 30 - 44
Luke 9: 10 – 17

Matt Mark Luke called Synoptics: “view together” Scholars who studied the texts believe Mark first to be written , then Matthew wrote with Jewish readers in mind, including most of Mark in a shortened version, and his own data. Luke wrote keeping Gentile readers in mind, again most of Mark abbreviating Marks text, and adding his own data.
John stands apart with much original material. John's account of feeding of 5,000 includes much more detail.
Challenge: Compare 4 accounts, see similarities and differences.

All agree Jesus and his disciples had gone to a solitary place most likely in the hills east of sea of Galilee known today as the Golan Heights. MAP , John says,they were followed by a vast crowd of people excited by the miraculous signs of healings. Jesus went up the mountainside and sat down with his disciples. The crowds streamed up after them.
The synoptics comment Jesus had compassion on the crowd and taught them until late in the day.

All have Jesus then presenting the disciples with a challenge, a seemingly impossible challenge.
In John's Gospel Jesus is in command of the situation and takes the initiative. He addresses Philip who came from the local town of Bethsaida, and so most likely to know where provisions could be bought.
Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat? An interesting question. By asking this question. And by using “we “ Jesus not only accepts responsibility himself to satisfy the needs of the crowd, but also draws the disciples into the problem as well.
Philip is dumfounded. He takes Jesus literally, blurting out 8 months wages wouldn't be enough to buy them even a bite of bread. Andrew looks for what resources they actually had and discovers a boy with his meager lunch. Maybe the child had come forward on his own initiative and offered to share what he had. 5 small barley rolls and two small fish.. minnows! The food of the poor. Andrew also voices the impossibility of the situation “what is that among so many?”

In the synoptics it is the disciples who point out the problem to Jesus, its late, this is a remote place the people are hungry. Their solution to the problem was not to take responsibility, but put the responsibility on the crowd to satisfy their own need “ send the people away so they can go into the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat”
But , Jesus again puts the responsibility in their court, and gives a blunt, again seemingly impossible challenge
you give them something to eat”..

Continually throughout all 4 Gospels Jesus challenges people to work out the meaning of his teaching and his miraculous acts. He stretches the imagination of his disciples, pushing them out of their comfort zones. The same for us. He wants us to to examine what we hear and see, to allow the Holy Spirit to instruct and inspire us. Another example: Remember when he asked in the synoptics “ who do people say that I am? The disciples replied. (John Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of prophets)Matt 16: 14 . But who do you say I am... have you worked it out yet? Peter was straight in with “You are the Christ, Son of the living God.” Jesus acknowledged God himself had directed Peter's thinking “ this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.”

Nothing is handed to us on a plate!!. He gives us seemly impossible challenges and situations to deal with. Hands up who thinks Christian Life is easy?
There was a time in Gloucester when life was very hard for me. I can remember sitting in our back garden feeling how hard the Christian life was. I looked up to see thick black clouds. (SCOTLAND!!!) Just like my problems black and oppressive. I then noticed the clouds were moving. Then reality dawned. behind the clouds would be blue sky and the sun was shinning. ON A PLANE This was the reality. The sun always shines and the sky is always blue. The clouds come and go, the sun continually shines, we just can't see it when the clouds are there.
We may feel alone, abandoned, in a dark place, but the reality is that God is always there with us. The hardness of our circumstances may block out what we can see or feel for a time, but this doesn't take away the reality of the eternal presence. In these times we have to go on faith.
Heb 11v1 “ Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” We need to believe God's promises like “ I will never leave you nor forsake you...
We may not feel Jesus is with, don't trust feelings, they can lie. We go on the truths of scripture. Jesus actually did mean it...and for us !!!
Remember Paul's prayer in to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine... In another difficult time I felt Jesus was far away, I can remember saying to myself... yes I know Jesus is able to do this....but does he want to for me? He is able to do it all, but me?
Suddenly I believe I heard the Lord saying to me “I am able and I am willing!!!” Whenever I read that prayer I now say to myself Jesus is able and willing to do immeasurably more for me...
We read in John's Gospel, Jesus set the disciples the challenge to feed the crowd, but he already knew what he was going to do. Jesus already knows the way out of our difficult situations. We have to continually trust him, quote scriptures to ourselves … and allow him to carry us through. He is able, and willing to do it for us!!!

The disciples seemed to have forgotten their master changed 120 gallons or more of water into wine and were unable to imagine what Jesus could do with a small amount of food. Still they obeyed his instructions and had the people sit down, about 5,000 men. With women and children the number must have been at least twice this. They watched whilst Jesus took the 5 rolls and 2 small fish and thanked his heavenly father for them and broke them up..
Then came their turn.
Although John doesn't say explicitly, Jesus must have used the disciples to distribute the food or the process would have taken too long. Matt says clearly he broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples and the disciples gave them to the people.
John Wimber imagines this humourously. Fishermen, huge hard working hands small piece of bread looking even smaller.. hiding it in their cloaks, looking embarrassed as they pulled they hand out of their cloak to offer the crumb and finding it a loaf.. They put their hand in again and there was another loaf..... until all had eaten all they could.
When we obey Jesus and step out of our comfort zones he provides the means.
We offer Jesus what we have, not bemoan what we don't have. Jesus didn't despise the boy's offering, he took the little basic lunch . He didn't turn it into steak and chips, he takes what we have and makes it more than enough to accomplish his purposes.

This miracle is very relevant for us today in the light of many desperate situations in our world,. He challenges us to face the crowds of the starving, the refugees, the homeless. Not to dismiss the problem as too big for us to deal with, or our resources are too small to make any difference.
We put into his hands who we are, what we have. And trust him to meet the need. We are starting to do this as a church aren't we? we are rising to refugee challenge through Andrew and Maria... Is God prompting us to do more???

What about our situation?
Don't we wish we had more people coming to RBC, more families, more young people, more resources, more time, more money, more energy...more power of the Holy spirit.
All these would be good to have. But if crying out for these things leads us to immobility, there is something wrong.
There is something wrong if we say:
if only we had....we could.... implying... but as we haven't ..we can't...

I keep crying out to God for more of the HS in RBC...It is right to do so.
At same time I need to see what HS is already doing in our midst, and thank LORD for this.
As each one receives giftings from God we need to offer them back to Him and he will multiply them to meet our needs as a fellowship.

Next instruction was to pick up all the broken pieces that were left so “nothing would be wasted”
The disciples collected 12 basketfuls. Jesus showed he could meet the needs of his whole people, the 12 tribes of Israel. After all had been satisfied there was more left over than there was at the beginning. Jesus resources are without limit; he can meet all our needs and more.

Nothing must be wasted. We have the priviledge, don't we, of knowing love of Jesus “We must not squander that love” as Matt Redman says. We are called to share that love with others. We are called to use the gifts he has given us...Remember the parable of the talents..use them and not not bury them .. not keep them to our own private lives out of sight.
Jesus is pushing us out of our comfort zones. Challenging us to go out of the comfort of our 4 walls of our church...not to darkest Africa.. possibly simply just to next door!!!
(This has begun...a few of us going to meet in public bar at Goth to open word and pray together.)

Let's look more closely at John's choice of The Feeding of 5,000 as his 4th miraculous sign.
The sign can be interpreted at many levels.
Bread has particular significance. It is called the staff of life, the basic food of all. Jesus is for everyone. John points out that the Passover was near (v4) The passover meal was lamb, bitter herbs and unleavened bread. You remember that the Passover was a nationalistic festival recalling Israel's deliverance from slavery in Egypt.. Jesus has already been equated with the passover lamb...John the Baptist called Jesus the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Jesus also said in the teaching that follows this sign, “I am the bread of life. This bread is my flesh, which I give for the life of the world.” The next passover Jesus celebrated was the night before he was betrayed, when he took bread and broke it. John was aware of the Lord's Supper. We read. V 53...56, 57

Eating flesh and drinking blood of Son of Man..we understand Jesus is talking about an intimate relationship, …...Just as we live because of bread we eat, so we live because of Jesus As we take in bread, the bread becomes part of us.
Jesus transforms us from the inside.

In the sign, Jesus provided bread in the desert place, as through Moses God gave Manna to the children of Israel during their desert wanderings. This had not escaped the notice of even the Galilean country folk. They declared that Jesus must be the Prophet, like Moses,who was foretold should come in Deuteronomy, or he was even the Messianic King. There was a ground swell to seize Jesus and make him King by force. John tells that Jesus withdrew from the situation and climbed a mountain by himself.
The crowd had missed the point. Jesus was more than the Prophet, He was the Messiah, but more than the political leader they were expecting. The sign revealed that Jesus is God incarnate. Only God can cause such an abundance of food to come into being.

John shows in the verses that follow that the crowd continued in their rigid shut minded attitude despite the miraculous signs and all Jesus revealed about himself, they were not able to accept Jesus as anything but a human being. We can see how wrong rigid, shut minds can be. They are determined they are right. They have it all sewn up. God will send his Messiah who will get rid of their oppressors and set up a Kingdom in Israel. They knew Jesus parents so how can he have come down from heaven? His teaching about his flesh and blood was the last straw for them, they left following him in disgust.

Is this a warning even to us? How much of the things that we hold dear are are just preferences, or unimportant rules and regulations that we get annoyed about if someone suggests something different.
We must hold on to the truths of the Gospel, truths of who Jesus is, and allow the holy Spirit to enlarge our understanding. What is he revealing to us today ?

(we haven't time to read all the rest of the chapter, do so at home and enjoy the wonderful truths.)

So This sign reveals Jesus is
God incarnate who challenges us, stretches us, allows us to go through “trials of many kinds” (Peter)
He is the one who already knows the way out of these trials, he is there with us. All we have to do is to believe in him, trust him, accept his Lordship of our lives, take him into ourselves and allow him to transform us to be more like him, and he will raise us up at the last day.

©Pam Lilly January 2016

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