Sunday after Ascension
"Go and make Disciples"
alone describes an Ascension in Bethany (Judea); he is not concerned
about the "direction of travel" -- he isn't saying heaven
is" up there" -- but stresses the importance of a
cutting-off point, a break, a change that prepares the way for the
spirit to come. Michael Green observes that all the Gospels look
towards a future mission. Matthew finishes his Gospel with an
encounter that took place "on a mountain in Galilee"; but
he reflects that same sense of a cutting off, the launch of a new
stage for Jesus, enthroned as king; and the hand-over of his earthly
work to his people.
starting point: They
worshipped but some...
Jesus meets the Eleven, on a mountain in Galilee. Their response is
to worship him. Plain and simple. Our response to the presence of
the Risen Jesus, is to worship Him. But among the
worshippers were some who were not quite with the rest of them. They
were effectively divided between those who were able to worship with
unrestrained joy, and those who weren't. They were divided.
Not a great place to be starting. But that is the reality: maybe
when we get together for worship, not all of us are able to join
in with unrestrained joy.
Some doubted.
were unsure: ''in two minds." But is that not where some of us
are at? We aren't too sure about things. Maybe not too sure about
Jesus. Maybe not too sure about all this new stuff in church . Maybe
unsure about the future,. as we all get older and maybe face things
that are unpleasant & uncertain. I reckon the disciples were to
some extent facing all these areas of doubt and uncertainty.
there was another layer of confusion. At one point, they were all
asking him, “Lord, are
you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” There
was confusion due to self-interest. Not
a great place to be starting at all. You would expect Jesus to give
them a slap! To say "Look -- it's me. You guys who
are doubting are just a bunch of losers. To everyone else, all power
has been given to me. Go and make disciples". Listen, it
doesn't matter how much you have messed up or now messed up you feel.
We start as worshippers. And it doesn't matter how messed up we are
or feel, Jesus has his plan for us and invites us to be involved in
what he is doing in his world!
All authority
has been given to me.
Resurrection he is triumphant over death. Post ascension he is seated
at the father's right hand, in the heavenly realms, far above all
rule and authority. And God placed all things under his feet. (Eph 1.
20-22) He is the Victor. He has authority: The
"right to act". The "right to command". The
"right to expect obedience. "
has authority to choose, touch, send, who he chooses. He is not
limited by our failures. He has authority in the context
our inadequacy! And he exercises that authority "for the
church" (Eph 1. 22f)
Commission: "Go
and make disciples"
- go ... the need to get out of our comfort zone. Movement is one of the signs of life, that differentiates between living things and inanimate objects. Jesus says "Go!" How far are we to go? As far as it takes! God is interested in all nations. The very place where Jesus said this was what Isaiah called Galilee of the Gentiles". (cf Matt 4v15f, lsa 9v2) where Jesus shines his light and meets his followers. The same Greek word (ἐθνῶν) means both "Gentiles" and "Nations" .That means all races, classes and attitudes of people, even the ones we think aren't worth bothering about.. God is not just interested in people like us! And all nations -- all races and classes of people -- have the potential to become "Disciples"
need to"move"towards the lost: to recover the" go"
of mission. We "go as a sending church and a giving church --
in our relationships with Andrew & Mania or Peter & Silje;
and as a giving Church to compassion or Food Bank. We can all "go"
- going out of our way to spend time with family members who don't know Jesus
- going to ask a neighbour in for a cup of tea
- going to the shops, or to school, or work, looking out for someone you can bless
- Going to a club that's not part of Church.
- and make disciples... Discipleship,not just "conversions" is the outcome of mission. Changing the world through changed lives.' not just getting people to make "decisions".
- Baptising them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Discipleship begins decisively, with a step of commitment and encounter with The Three-in-One God. This mystery is who God is! The new disciple begins with an encounter with the Triune (implying some knowledge but not necessarily understanding)
- Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Disciple-making is an irreplaceable core task of the and needs to be structured into every church's basic formula. (Alan Hirsch, "the forgotten ways" p 24) The mission principles of Matthew 10 still apply (as does the sermon on the Mount!).
make disciples
means we have to be disciples.
Another of these signs of life is reproduction: and when we reproduce
we pass on our genes: the stuff that makes us what we are. We can
only "Make disciples" -- people who are leaning to live as
Jesus lived --if we are people who are leaning to live as Jesus
promises his presence: I
am with you always.
promises that his authoritative Person, will be with them by the
Power of the Holy Spirit... cf .Luke
24:49 "I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but
stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on
high"; Acts 1. 4- "wait for the gift my Father promised,
which you have heard me speak about. For John baptised with water,
but in a few days you will be baptised with the Holy
will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be
my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the
ends of the earth."
Gilmour lilly May 2016
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